Relive the glory of the renowned Trail Smoke Eaters, one of the most talented senior amateur hockey leagues ever (Western International Hockey League), Trail’s Little League legacy and much more in the Sports Gallery on the main floor. An unparalleled sports heritage collection, browse rare photographs and film footage of Trail’s sports heroes. Be inspired! You may find yourself in here one day!
photos by Mike Hockley
Our dedicated 250 square foot rotating space, the Columbia Gallery will host a series of temporary exhibits on local historical themes.
The Trail Museum & Archives is proud to be showcasing the Royal BC Museum's traveling exhibit, Our Living Languages: First Peoples' Voices in British Columbia. Produced in partnership with the First Peoples' Cultural Council, the exhibit is featured in both the temporary gallery and the History Gallery on the second floor. With seven interactive elements, visitors will learn about the resurgence of BC's 34 different Indigenous languages and the work of BC's Indigenous people to revive their most valuable cultural asset.
The exhibit runs from October 25, 2021 to May 30, 2022. We welcome any interested groups to contact the museum to schedule a guided tour.
Make your way up our grand staircase to take in the History Gallery and immerse yourself in the social and cultural history of Trail. Four distinct segments depict the impact of industry on community development, immigration and demographics, and the tenacity of Trail’s citizens. Unique artifacts, rare photographs, and recognizable film footage will transport you back in time for a walk down memory lane.
photos by Mike Hockley
Always free admission, the Trail Museum & Archives welcomes any donations to help support or exhibition and programming efforts.
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