The City has 76 kilometers (152 lane kilometers) of roads to maintain throughout the City and has 14 pieces of equipment including loaders, sand spreaders, snow plows, and a grader. From mid November to March, the City has at least one employee on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The number of employees involved in snow removal is dependent on the amount and duration of snowfall.
Priority 1 |
Priority 2 |
Priority 3 |
Priority 4 |
Priority 5 |
When all 5 priorities have been accomplished, lanes/alleys will be plowed and all other streets will be widened.
Please note, the City of Trail does not maintain highways. The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI) maintains all BC highways through private contractors. View their page for details.
City-owned Sidewalks, Downtown, Sand use and Plow Direction |
How can you help? |
Remember, citizens can greatly assist the snow control operation by adhering to the following requests:
Snow Removal Concerns or Questions |
We hope you have a safe and enjoyable winter season and thank you for your patience and anticipated co-operation.
Contact Us